Podcast: Teams
A series of podcasts about teams in business with the aim of helping organisations of all sizes improve the way their teams perform – including the boardroom. Each podcast addresses a different topic such as Why are we Here?, Teamwork and Geographically Distributed Teams.
Although the podcasts can stand alone, they are probably best listened to in order and used in conjunction with our webinars and seminars on each topic.

Teams Podcast Service Episode 2 – Who is Your Team?
This podcast looks at who is you team from different points of view and the implications and possibilities that arise from this.

Teams Podcast Series Episode 1 – Why are we here?
This podcast is about getting to grips with team purpose and its implications. It also sets out some ideas that teams should think about.

Teams Podcast Series Episode 0 – Introduction
This episode introduces our series of podcasts about teams in business with the aim of helping organisations of all sizes improve the way their teams perform – including the boardroom. Each podcast addresses a different topic such as Why are we here?, Teamwork and Geographically Distributed Teams.